Categories: Risk Management/Insurance
      Date: Feb 26, 2010
     Title: Long Term Care Insurance—Provisions and Features (Part 2)

Whether or not to purchase a long term care insurance (LTCI) policy is one of the most important and difficult retirement planning decisions. In Part 1, the costs and risks of potentially requiring long term cares services were laid out. These risks should serve as motivation to at least consider long term care insurance. However, as you will see from the following brief summary, LTCI policies are relatively complex with many choices. It is difficult enough to decide on the options for your medical insurance policy that will be in force for only the next year or so. Making the many trade-offs necessary in selecting a LTCI policy that will likely be used far in the future, if at all, is somewhat overwhelming.

Here is a quick summary of key LTCI provisions and features. This isn't all there is to know, or even all you need to know. It's a start however. Links for additional information are at the end of the article.


Benefit Triggers

Elimination Period

Inflation Protection

Services Covered

Guaranteed Renewable

Payment Options and Non-Forfeiture Provisions

If you are interested in more information on long term care and long term care insurance, go to the National Clearinghouse for Long-Term Care Information sponsored by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. You can also download a useful planning guide. There are also a good summary of tax incentives for purchasing long term care insurance and paying for long term care at the American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance.

In Part 3 we'll explore why planning for the financing of long term care is such a difficult decision.